Versión Española Irefrea
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Staff training for nightlife premises - Manual.
Mendes F and Mendes MR.
(2011) Coimbra: IREFREA.


Nightlife and other recreational contexts play a key role in modern life. They are a critical aspect of youth recreation and are increasingly a major source of employment, economic development and tourism for communities, towns and cities. Nightlife activities, however, also create a wide range of health and social problems including alcohol and drug misuse, anti-social behaviour and crime.

The development of safe nightlife environments is a concern and a growing priority throughout Europe. As international tourism increases within Europe, regional, as well as town and city, authorities must manage not only the recreational habits of their own youth but also the recreational habits of tourists. Effectively managing nightlife settings is essential to effectively protect youth health and also to reduce the different burdens that problematic situations (e.g. those produced by night-time and anti-social behaviour) can place on public services (e.g. health and justice) and wider society.

This manual has been created to be a practical and useful instrument for training nightlife and other recreational professionals. It aims to empower staff and improve their interpersonal skills and abilities so that they can take the best and wisest decisions to reduce and prevent problematic situations. For the successful implementation of this preventive instrument it is necessary (and our priority) to involve the community, relevant actors (public and private), politicians, and local, regional and national stakeholders. Only by sharing and involving other community partners can this manual, and its associated training, produce the desired effects.





