Versión Española Irefrea
STOP-SV - Staff training on prevention of sexual violence

STOP-SV: a training programme to prevent nightlife-related sexual violence (Evaluation Report). Quigg, Z., Bigland, C., Ross-Houle, K., Hughes, K. & Bellis, M.A. (Nov. 2018).

Summary of the training programme evaluation

English version Spanish version Czech version Portuguese version

Report on systematic literature review
Coalition Evaluation Report
Process and outcome evaluation of the project

1. 11th International Conference on Nightlife, Substance Use and Related Health Issues (Club Health Amsterdam 2019) - 15-17 May, 2019 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

STOP-SV. A collaborative strategy to prevent sexual violence in the nightlife context

Sexual violence and nightlife: a systematic literature review

2. STOP-SV Project Final Conference - 30 November, 2018 - Palma, Spain

STOP-SV: Una estrategia colaborativa para prevenir la violencia sexual en los contextos de ocio nocturno

STOP-SV: A training programme to prevent nightlife related sexual violence

Preventing nightlife violence through community partnership

The way forward. STOP-SV Final Conference closing

3. 4th International Congress on Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents (AITANA Congress) - 15-17 November, 2018 - Palma, Spain

STOP-SV: An evaluation of a training programme for nightlife workers in Europe

4. 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2018, WHO) - 5-7 November, 2018 - Bangkok, Thailand

STOP Sexual Violence - An evaluation of a training programme for nightlife workers in Europe

5. Jornades 360º de les Violències Masclistes. La interseccionalitat en la Intervenció: reptes de Futur - 26-27 April, 2018 - Palma, Spain

STOP-SV: Formación de personal para la prevención de la violencia sexual